Monday, March 22, 2010

3 Months Old!

How can it be? March 12, 2010 Christopher turned 3 months old.

He's cracking us up each day. He smiles and laughs and thinks he's hilarious. He still enjoys his baths, loves his activity mat and it settling into a routine and schedule more and more as the weeks go by. He's battled his first tummy bug - and we did too - and came through with flying colors. Glad to have that under our belt. He hit his 3 month growth spurt and is longer and weighs over 11lbs. already. He's our little love. After a brutal Dallas winter we are excited that spring is here. We look forward to being outdoors more and more.

I'm a big boy now!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, he has grown so much! Uncle B needs to get down there for a visit.
